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第5行: 第5行:
<br>答案 1-5:C C C A B
<br>答案 1-5:C C C A B
<br>原因1:There are all kinds of trains in the world.
<br>原因2:There are trains to carry people, trains to carry animals and trains to carry things.
<br>原因3:In big cities, the streets are usually very busy
<br>原因4:So you can find trains under the ground and trains on a rail above the streets. They carry people in and out of the city.
<br>原因5: Many children have model trains. With the model trains they can build their own rails enjoy the wonderful world of trains.
<br>答案 1-5:F F F T F
<br>答案 1-5:
<br>原因1:He wanted to go to the quiet place by train.
<br>原因2:He got on the train.
<br>原因3:The wind blew his hat away.
<br>原因4:He quickly took his small bag and threw(扔)It out of the window. He said ,“ there's my name and address(地址)on my bag. Someone will find my hat and bag. And he will send me the bag and the hat.”
第26行: 第26行:
<br>答案 1-5:C C C A B
<br>答案 1-5:
<br>答案 1-5:T F F T F
<br>答案 1-5:
<br>答案 1-5:CACAA
<br>答案 1-5:
<br>个人问题观点:A train is a means of transportation. There are trains to carry people. Trains to carry animals and trains to carry things. There are fast trains and slow trains. Some trains go under the ground and some trains go through hills.
<br>小组问题观点:A train is a means of transportation. There are trains to carry people. Trains to carry animals and trains to carry things. There are fast trains and slow trains. Some trains go under the ground and some trains go through hills.
<br>答案 1-5:TFFTF
<br>答案 1-5:
<br>原因1:He wanted to go to the quiet place by train.
<br>原因2:He got on the train. The train began to leave.
<br>原因3:The wind blew his hat away.
<br>原因4:Someone will find my hat and bag. And he will send me the bag and the hat.
<br>原因5:Someone will find my hat and bag. And he will send me the bag and the hat.
<br>个人问题观点:I don't think his hat will come back.Because It is possible that his hat and small bag flew to different places.It is possible that his things are taken away by others.It's also possible that his bags and hats are not found.He is not clever.So I don't think his hat will come back.
<br>小组问题观点:I don't think his hat will come back.Because It is possible that his hat and small bag flew to different places.It is possible that his things are taken away by others.It's also possible that his bags and hats are not found.He is not clever.So I don't think his hat will come back.
<br>答案 1-5:CCCAB
<br>答案 1-5:
<br>原因1: There are all kinds of trains in the world.
<br>原因2: There are trains to carry people
<br>原因3:In big cities, the streets are usually very busy. 
<br>原因4:So you can find trains under the ground and trains on a rail above the streets. They carry people in and out of the city.
<br>原因5: Many children have model trains. 
<br>个人问题观点:We went to the Gonqing Park.We played many things there.And had lunch there.After lunch,we had a rest.What a fun trip!
<br>小组问题观点:We went to the Gonqing Park.We played many things there.And had lunch there.After lunch,we had a rest.What a fun trip!
<br>答案 1-5:TFFTF
<br>答案 1-5:
<br>原因1:He wanted to go to the quiet place by train.
<br>原因2:He got on the train. The train began to leave. 
<br>原因3:The wind blew his hat away.
<br>原因4:Someone will find my hat and bag. And he will send me the bag and the hat.
<br>原因5:Someone will find my hat and bag. And he will send me the bag and the hat.
<br>个人问题观点:No,I don't agree.Even if someone find his hat,someone doesn't know whose it is.If no one found his bag,his bag wounld not be returned.
<br>小组问题观点:No,I don't agree.Even if someone find his hat,someone doesn't know whose it is.If no one found his bag,his bag wounld not be returned.
第105行: 第105行:
<br>姓名: 汤君羽        分数:50
<br>姓名:         分数:
<br>姓名:   沈娴菲      分数:50
<br>姓名:         分数:
<br>姓名:   杨景云      分数:50
<br>姓名:         分数:
<br>姓名:   杨皓然      分数:50
<br>姓名:         分数:
== 第八周讨论、支持中英文(2018.05.29~2018.06.03)==
== 第八周讨论、支持中英文(2018.05.29~2018.06.03)==


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