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2018年4月6日 (五) 22:17的版本



Do you know what parrots are? They are birds. They are usually bright, colourful and nice, and of course some can talk. Now, look at these fish. They are also bright, colourful and nice. People call them parrot fish, of course they are different from parrots, they cannot talk. Parrot fish live in warm sea water near the coral(珊瑚). They help to clean the coral. They eat very small plants on the coral. This helps the coral grow. There are about 60 kinds of parrot fish in the world. They can change colours when they grow. Males(雄性) and females(雌性)have different colours.


1.Can parrot fish talk?
答:No they can't.

2.Where do parrot fish live?
答:They live in warm sea water near the coral.

3.What can parrot fish help the coral do?
答:They can help to clean the coral.

4.How many kinds of parrot fish are there in the world?
答: There are about 60 kinds of parrot fish in the world.

5.Do males and females look the same or different?
答:They look different.


6.(个人问题) What other fish do you know? Please introduce it.(such as shape,habitat(栖息地),food and species(种类) etc.)

答:There are many fish in the world.Such as whales dolphins and so on.For my part ,I prefer to talk adout shark.First of all,sharks are very big and strong.They eat a lot of small fishs every day.Eating other fish make them bigger and bigger.Besides,there are many kinds of sharks.Like killer whale,great white shark and dog shark.That is my opoin of sharks. What about you?



It's Saturday. The sun is shining. Jack and Jane go to the Peoples Park. There are many people in the park. Some are walking and some are singing and dancing. The children are playing ball games. There are some foreigners(外国人), too. They are from Germany(德国). They are talking with the students in English. They are all happy.



  • ( B )1. What day is it today?

A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Friday

  • ( C )2. What's the weather like today?

A. Cloudy B. Rainy C. Sunny

  • ( C )3. What are the children doing?

A. Singing and dancing B. Taking a walk C. Playing ball games

  • ( A )4. Where do the foreigners come from?

A. Germany B. America C. Japan

  • ( A )5.Are there many people in the park?

A. Yes, there are B. No. there aren’t C. Sorry, I don't know


6.(个人问题)What do you often go to the park with? What are you doing in the park?

答:I often go to the park with my family.And sometimes I go to the park with my friends. I went to the park last week.I went there for a picnic and then flew a kite.I ate some bread,some jam and some juice.I feel very happy about the picnic.After that, I flew kite with my father.My father can flew kite very well but I couldn't.Now I have had a lot of exercises.And I can fly much higher.I feel very please about it.Althrough that what no pain no gain was.



It was a fine day. The weather was very hot. There was no rain for a long time. The ground was dry. The plants were dry and brown. There wasn’t any water in the river. The sun was shining. The animals were thirsty. They were under the tree. They were very hot. There were some birds on the branches. The birds were thirsty too. "I must have some water! A crow said to herself. Just then, she saw a jug. Is there any water in the jug?" She flew to the jug. She looked into the jug. There was some water in it. She could see the water inside, but she couldn’t reach it. The jug was very big and the crow was weak. She wanted to knock the jug down. "What can I do? The crow thought. Oh! There are some little stones on the path. I have an idea! "The crow was glad. She could put the little stones into the jug. The animals laughed at her. A zebra and a giraffe came and looked at the crow. The crow got the water at last. She thought, Yes, I’m tired, but I’m not thirsty! The animals thought,“ She isn’t stupid(愚蠢的).She' s very clever.” This story says: Hard work brings good things.



  • ( T )1. The weather was fine and hot.
  • ( F )2. The animals were very hungry and hot.
  • ( F )3. The crow could reach the water into the jug at first.
  • ( F )4. There are no stones on the path.
  • ( F )5. The crow is stupid.

6.(个人问题) According to your own experience, talk about how you can get good results through "Hard work brings good things".
答:According to my own experience I can get many good results from this topic.Such as hard working ,work hard before exam and so on.First at all ,we should work for good marks in the exam. We should also learn that no pain no gain.Thats very important.Besides, as we all know if we work hard we will get wonderful gain.Of cause its not easy but people's life is full of challenges. No matter how difficult they are. Last but not least, everyone want to have good marks.But do all of them's dreams come true?So we should have golden words in our heart.Don't leave any regrets,when we are teenagers.That is all I want to tell you. Be work hard and have a wonderful life . Never waste any time to work.



Jill is a doctor. She loves music. She plays the banjo (班卓琴). She plucks(拨)the strings to play the songs she likes best. Pluck, pluck, pluck. She can play all day long. She wants to play on the stage(舞台).The lights shine on her as she plays her banjo. All her friends come to see. It is her favourite dream. Her younger brother, Danny, is a police officer. He likes music too. He plays the drums with his sticks. He makes rat-a-tat sounds. He and Jill play different musical instruments(乐器). But they sound great. Maybe they will start a band(乐队)one day. They will be popular.


1.Does Jill play the banjo?
答:Yes she does.

2.What does Jill want to do?
答:She wants to play banjo on the stage.

3.What does Danny do?
答:He is a police officer.

4.Which musical instrument does Danny play?
答: He plays the drums with his sticks.

5.Are their musical instruments the same or different?
答:They are different.

1.Yes,she does.
2.She wants to play banjo on the stage.
3.He is a police officer.
4.He plays the drum.
5.Their musical instruments are different.

6.(个人问题)Do you like art, such as music, art, dance, etc.? Share an interesting thing with your art course. weeken
答:I like art.There are many kinds of art like music, art, dance and so on .For my part,I like art best.I like drawing pictures.I often draw in my room at weekand.Because I think drawing are quite interesting.I like my pictures are colourful. Among colours , I like blue best.Because I like sea very much. That is why I like art.What about you?
