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第309行: 第309行:
<br>答案 1-5:
<br>答案 1-5:B B A B D
<br>小组问题答案:The shared bicycle can help me to go to other place and the shared bicycle is not only convenient but also cheap .Shared bicycle can protect the environment and it can also Reduce traffic jams,solve the pollution problem. I think the shared bicycle is good for our lifi.
<br>答案 1-5:
<br>答案 1-5:C B C C A
<br>小组问题答案:I think the most impressive is The The winter Olympics Wudajing won China's gold medal in Short track speed skating men's 500m. Other player had also good results.
<br>答案 1-5:
<br>答案 1-5:A B B C D
<br>小组问题答案:Waste can be seen everywhere in the school.Our school has many studengs to waste water , food , electric and so on .Some students buy more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom.I think waste is bad and we can turn off light when we leave classroom or turn off Water tap when we do not need water.
<br>姓名:         分数:
<br>姓名:黄行峰         分数:85
<br>姓名:         分数:
<br>姓名:李久键         分数:60
<br>姓名:         分数:
<br>姓名:张亚君         分数:60
<br>姓名:         分数:
<br>姓名:叶珍婷         分数:60
== 第一周讨论、支持中英文(2018.09.13)==
== 第一周讨论、支持中英文(2018.09.13)==

2018年9月21日 (五) 15:52的版本



As our life is changing, the living and medical conditions are becoming better, and the population of the world is growing faster. The Population growth has caused many problems such as the traffic problem. Every country has different methods to solve this problem. For example, in London, traffic has become the main problem because of the large population. The government has decided to have a bike revolution(革命)in order to solve this problem. It has planned to provide 6000 bikes and encouraged local people to ride bikes. Although there were not enough bikes, an official said that they would take some measures to deal with such a shortage.Local people can get these bikes at special docking stations(停靠站). More than 12, 450 keys have already been handed out to the local people, but only 6,000 keys can be used now.The cost you need to pay is low. One key costs£3, and you need to spend £1 one hour using the bike.The official from the government said they also had to face a lot of problems. For example, some bikes can be stolen. But they would try their best to solve all the problems in order to make the bike revolution successful.



  • ( )1. In London, the government decided to provide bikes for local people to solve the____problem.

A. population
B. traffic
C. education
D. environment

  • ( )2. The government has already handed out_____ keys to the local people.

A. about 6.000
B. more than 12, 450
C. about 315
D. more than 12.000

  • ( )3. In the passage,the underlined word “ shortage” means “_____”in Chinese.

A. 短缺
B. 膨胀
C. 挑战
D. 困难

  • ( )( )4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The government encouraged local people to drive cars in London.
B. People can get these bikes at special docking stations.
C. People need to pay £4 for the key of the bike.
D. The official from the government said none of the bikes is stolen.

  • ( )5.The passage mainly tells us _____.

A. the different means of transportation in London
B. how the docking stations were built in London
C. different ways to solve the traffic problem
D. the bike revolution in London


6.个人问题:What benefits have shared Bicycle brought to your life?(OFO、Mobike)至少50个单词。
小组问题:What benefits have shared Bicycle brought to your life?(OFO、Mobike)至少60个单词。



China had a good year in 2010. The year began with China's best performance at the Vancouver(温哥华) Winter Olympics.Zhou Yang won China's first gold medal. Then Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo's gold medal and Wang Meng's three gold medals all showed a good beginning to China. Another sport event was the Asian Games in Guangzhou, where China finished at the top of the medals table and saw Liu Xiang return to his winning form.In science, China launched the second moon satellite-chang'e-2. In another area, China developed the world's fastest computer-tianhe-1A, It's almost 1.5 times faster than America’s fastest computer.2010 also saw China continue its economic growth by beating Japan to become world's No 2 economy. Experts think that China will overtake(超过)the United States, the No.I economy, by the year 2030.The biggest success of 2010, of course, was the Shanghai World Expo, The Expo was a six-month party for Shanghai and China. It attracted more than 70 million visitors to enjoy the color and excitement of the Expo and it set a new record for World Expos.All in all, 2010 was a very good year.



  • ( )7. At the Vancouver Winter Olympics the Chinese team won_____gold medal.

A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six

  • ( )8. The"Tianhe-1A"may be the name of a__________.

A. satellite
B. computer
C. game
D. spaceship

  • ( )9.The biggest success of 2010 was_____.

A. the Asian Games in Guangzhou

B. the second moon satellite-chang'e-2

C. he Shanghai World

D. the world's fastest computer-tianhe-lA

  • ( )10. Now China has overtaken_____and become the world's No. 2 economy.

A. the United States
B. Canada
C. Japan
D. England

  • ( )11.The best title for the passage may be_____.

A. A Good Year for China
B. Shanghai World Expo
C. The Success of China
D. The Great China


12.个人问题:What is the most impressive thing about 2018?(The Asian Games、The winter Olympics)至少50个单词。
小组问题:What is the most impressive thing about 2018?(The Asian Games、The winter Olympics)至少60个单词。



Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students buy more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom.They say they can afford these things. But I don't agree with them.Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resourees(资源), we are short of others. for example, fresh water. It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we should say "No" to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible. In our everyday life. we can do many things to stop waste from happening, for example,turn off the lights when we leave the classroom,try not to buy more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything may change. Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.



  • ( )13. Some students often buy more food than they can eat because_____.

A. they think they can afford the food

B. the food is delicious

C. they think the food is expensive for them
D. they like to waste things

  • ( )14. 14. What may happen in 100 years?

A. There will be enough oil.
B. There will be no coal or oil.
C. There will be a lot of oil
D. There will be enough coal.

  • ( )15. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Everyone can waste things.
B. It's important for us not to waste things.
C. China is rich in any resources.
D. Students never waste things.

  • ( )16. What can we do to stop waste from happening according to

A. We should use less water and fewer lights.
B. Ask for more food than we can eat.
C. Remember to tum off the lights and water taps when we don' need them.
D. We should go to school by bus.

  • ( )17.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. We can't throw rubbish everywhere.
B. China is rich in fresh water.
C. Students always save things.
D. Waste brings many problems.


18.个人问题:What do you find waste about the school around you? And how will you handle (解决)it?至少50个单词。
小组问题:What do you find waste about the school around you? And how will you handle (解决)it?至少60个单词。

答案 1-5:BBDBC

答案 1-5:CADBA

答案 1-5:CDCDA
原因1:They say they can afford these things
原因2:It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years.
原因3:we can do many things to stop waste from happening, for example,turn off the lights when we leave the classroom,try not to buy more food than we need, and so on.

答案 1-5:ababd
原因1:in London, traffic has become the main problem because of the large population.
原因2:More than 12, 450 keys have already been handed out to the local people, but only 6,000 keys can be used now
原因4:Local people can get these bikes at special docking stations
原因5:The passage mainly tells us the bike revolution in London
个人问题观点:Sharing bikes makes life easier for us.It makes it easy for us to travel. Cycling can protect the environment from pollution.And environmentally friendly.
小组问题观点:Sharing bikes makes life easier for us.It makes it easy for us to travel. Cycling can protect the environment from pollution.And environmentally friendly.

答案 1-5:cabac
原因1:At the Vancouver Winter Olympics the Chinese team won five gold medal.
原因2:China developed the world's fastest computer-tianhe-1A,
原因3:China launched the second moon satellite-chang'e-2.
原因4:The year began with China's best performance at the Vancouver(温哥华)
个人问题观点:Pyeongchang Winter Olympics 2018.The 23rd Winter Olympic Games. It was held in Pingchang-gun, Republic of Korea from February 9 to 25, 2018.2,920 athletes from 92 countries and regions participated in the Winter Olympics.Pingchang Olympic Games has 7 major items and 102 items.This is the first time in Korean history to host the Winter Olympics.The main torch was ignited by the Korean goddess Kim Yeon
小组问题观点:Pyeongchang Winter Olympics 2018.The 23rd Winter Olympic Games. It was held in Pingchang-gun, Republic of Korea from February 9 to 25, 2018.2,920 athletes from 92 countries and regions participated in the Winter Olympics.Pingchang Olympic Games has 7 major items and 102 items.This is the first time in Korean history to host the Winter Olympics.The main torch was ignited by the Korean goddess Kim Yeon

答案 1-5:dbbcd
原因1:Some students buy more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the
原因2:There will be no coal or oil.
原因3:It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years
原因4:Remember to tum off the lights and water taps when we don' need them.
原因5:Waste brings many problems
个人问题观点:Our school eats in the cafeteria. We always waste food.Often pour uneaten food into a bucket. Let the aunts feed the pigs what they don't eat. We shouldn't waste food.We can tell the students about the seriousness of wasting food.
小组问题观点:Our school eats in the cafeteria. We always waste food.Often pour uneaten food into a bucket. Let the aunts feed the pigs what they don't eat. We shouldn't waste food.We can tell the students about the seriousness of wasting food.

姓名:张亚君 第一篇 答案 1-5:ababd 原因1:In London, the government decided to provide bikes for local people to solve the population problem. 原因2:The government has already handed out more than 12, 450 keys to the local people. 原因3:有查翻译 原因4: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage People can get these bikes at special docking stations. 原因5:The passage mainly tells us the bike revolution in London 个人问题观点:Sharing bicycles brings us convenience.Sharing bicycle environmental protection convenient travel 小组问题观点:Sharing bicycles brings us convenience.Sharing bicycle environmental protection convenient travel

第二篇 答案 1-5:cabac 原因1: At the Vancouver Winter Olympics the Chinese team won five gold medal. 原因2: China developed the world's fastest computer-tianhe-1A, 原因3:China launched the second moon satellite-chang'e-2. 原因4:The year began with China's best performance at the Vancouver(温哥华) 原因5: 个人问题观点:2018 The winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.The twenty-third Winter Olympic Games, referred to as the "Pingchang Winter Olympic Games". February 9, 2018 ~25, held in Pingchang, Korea.This is the first Winter Olympic Games held in Korean history. The Pingchang Olympic Games has 15 big items, 102 minor items. The opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games and most of the snow sports took And all the ice sports will be in Jiangling.Alpine skiing competition will be held in Jing Shan county. 小组问题观点:2018 The winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.The twenty-third Winter Olympic Games, referred to as the "Pingchang Winter Olympic Games". February 9, 2018 ~25, held in Pingchang, Korea.This is the first Winter Olympic Games held in Korean history. The Pingchang Olympic Games has 15 big items, 102 minor items. The opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games and most of the snow sports took And all the ice sports will be in Jiangling.Alpine skiing competition will be held in Jing Shan county. 在此处补充发言

第三篇 答案 1-5:dbccb 原因1: Some students often buy more food than they can eat because they like to waste things 原因2:What may happen in 100 years There will be no coal or oil 原因3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage China is rich in any resources. 原因4:What can we do to stop waste from happening according to Remember to tum off the lights and water taps when we don' need them. 原因5:What does the passage mainly tell us China is rich in fresh water. 个人问题观点:The students wasted their meals in the school canteen. Tell them not to waste food, otherwise we may not have coal or oil after 100. 小组问题观点:The students wasted their meals in the school canteen. Tell them not to waste food, otherwise we may not have coal or oil after 100. 在此处补充发言

答案 1-5:B B A B D
原因1:in London, traffic has become the main problem because of the large population. The government has decided to have a bike revolution(革命)in order to solve this problem.
原因2:More than 12, 450 keys have already been handed out to the local people,
原因4:Local people can get these bikes at special docking stations
原因5:The government has decided to have a bike revolution(革命)in order to solve this problem.
个人问题观点:The shared bicycle can help me to go to other place and the shared bicycle is not only convenient but also cheap .Shared bicycle can protect the environment and it can also Reduce traffic jams,solve the pollution problem. I think the shared bicycle is good for our lifi.


答案 1-5:C B C C A
原因1:Zhou Yang won China's first gold medal. Then Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo's gold medal and Wang Meng's three gold medals
原因2:China developed the world's fastest computer-tianhe-1A,
原因3:The biggest success of 2010, of course, was the Shanghai World Expo,
原因4:2010 also saw China continue its economic growth by beating Japan to become world's No 2 economy.
原因5:China had a good year in 2010. 2010 was a very good year.
个人问题观点:I think the most impressive is The The winter Olympics Wudajing won China's gold medal in Short track speed skating men's 500m. Other player had also good results.


答案 1-5:A B B C D
原因1:They say they can afford these things.
原因2:It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years.
原因3:It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years. 所以我们不要浪费
原因4: for example,turn off the lights when we leave the classroom,try not to buy more food than we need, and so on.
个人问题观点:Waste can be seen everywhere in the school.Our school has many studengs to waste water , food , electric and so on .Some students buy more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom.I think waste is bad and we can turn off light when we leave classroom or turn off Water tap when we do not need water.

答案 1-5:B B A B D
小组问题答案:The shared bicycle can help me to go to other place and the shared bicycle is not only convenient but also cheap .Shared bicycle can protect the environment and it can also Reduce traffic jams,solve the pollution problem. I think the shared bicycle is good for our lifi.

答案 1-5:C B C C A
小组问题答案:I think the most impressive is The The winter Olympics Wudajing won China's gold medal in Short track speed skating men's 500m. Other player had also good results.

答案 1-5:A B B C D
小组问题答案:Waste can be seen everywhere in the school.Our school has many studengs to waste water , food , electric and so on .Some students buy more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom.I think waste is bad and we can turn off light when we leave classroom or turn off Water tap when we do not need water.
姓名:黄行峰 分数:85
姓名:李久键 分数:60
姓名:张亚君 分数:60
姓名:叶珍婷 分数:60



On Children's Day in 2004, Hong Kong held a special activity. In this activity, children and parents acted as the rich and the poor. In the dinner, the rich could have delicious food while the poor could only have bread with porridge. Parents all hoped to have the dinner for the poor with their children. They hoped that their children could be taught a lesson from the dinner. Now many people in the world don’t have enough food or clothes. Every day only half of the world can enjoy enough food. The activity wanted to make the families understand the difference between the poor and the rich, and also to make the parents know that too good material (物质) life won't always do good to children.



  • ( )1. The activity was held____ in Hong Kong?

A. on July 1st, 2004
B. on May 1st, 2004
C. on June 1st, 2004
D. on August 1st, 2004

  • ( )2. In the activity, the parents hoped to_______.

A. give their children delicious food
B. give food to the poor
C. have the delicious food with their children
D. have the bread and porridge with their children

  • ( )3. Today only half the people in the world____.

A. have enough to eat
B. are rich
C. are poor
D. need neither food nor clothes

  • ( )4. The activity wanted to make the families understand______.

A. why the poor want to be rich
B. the difference between the poor and the rich
C. why the rich wanted to be richer
D. why the rich wanted to be poor

  • ( )5.From the passage we can know that_______.

A. too good material life may be bad for the children
B. the children like to be rich
C. the parents were poor
D. the poor were in trouble


6.个人问题:How do you think "too good material life won't always do good to children"?至少50个单词。
小组问题:How do you think "too good material life won't always do good to children"?至少60个单词。



Ma Yan is not really a writer. But this 15-year-old girl has written a book-her diary. Many people around the world have been moved by her diary. Ma Yan's diary tells us about Ma's life. She lives in a poor village called Zhangjiashu in Tongxin,Ningxia. Ma is now a student of Grade Nine in Yuwang Junior High School in Tongxin. Before this, she had left school twice. She had to stop studying the first time because Mom told her they didn't have any money. Then she worked for 21 days and earned 13 yuan. With the money,she went back to school. The second time, her family told her she had to leave school so that her two brothers could stay there. “I want to study," Ma wrote in her diary. “Why can boys study, but girls not? It would be wonderful if I could stay at school forever.” Ma loves school so much because she wants to live a better life.“My parents work hard in the fields but they are still poor. They have no knowledge. Most girls in my village leave school early and get married when they are young. I don't want that kind of life," says Ma. After her story became known, many French students sent money to her and other poor girls in Zhangjiashu so that they could stay at school. Ma's dream is still the same as ever to study. She hopes to go to Tsinghua University and then become a reporter. "Then I can find poor kids like me and help them," she says.



  • ( )7. Ma Yan wrote a book because she wanted_______.

A. everyone to know about her life
B. to learn Chinese better
C. the French writer to help her
D. to make some money

  • ( )8. How many times did Ma Yan leave school?

A. Once.
B. Twice.
C. Three times.
D. Four times.

  • ( )9.Ma Yan had to leave school because___?

A. the teacher didn’t let her write the book
B. the village didn't let girls study
C. her parents need her help in the fields
D. her family couldn’t afford her schooling

  • ( )10. What does Ma Yan mean by saying "a better life"?

A. To live and work in the city.
B. Never to get married.
C. To have knowledge and money.
D. Always to stay at school.

  • ( )11.Ma Yan is going to_____ after she finishes her studies.

A. leave the village
B. help poor children like her
C. travel around the world
D. become a famous writer


12.个人问题:How do you think this view about “The boys can study, but girls not”?至少50个单词。
小组问题:How do you think this view about “The boys can study, but girls not”?至少60个单词。



My mother, a Chinese old lady, is very happy with today's life. She always says people are very happy today. In the past, they used light from candles and heated with wood in the fireplace (壁炉). They had to go to bed when it was dark and they didn't listen to CDs or watch television. Now people can watch TV computer games until midnight and live in warm buildings. And she doesn't need to carry water from a well(井) and wood into the house to cook over fire every day. It's a pity that they didn't have a washing machine.Now she only needs to put the dirty clothes into the machine. My mother used to help in the garden,grow most of the food and feed the animals. My mother also says they had to walk where they wanted to go. If they were rich, they owned a horse. They didn't have cars. What's more, to my mother’s surprise we don’t have to buy thing in shop. Now people can get whatever they want at home. At the beginning, she didn’t care,but there was one thing shocking her. Doing some sopping online is cheaper than in the shop. That makes my mother feel unfair.My mother decides to learn how to visit Taobao and buy things on it.Now my mother is an online shopping fan.She makes lot of friend by QQ .Her QQ name is Wendy.



  • ( )13. The writer's mother is a(n)____old woman.

A. American
B. Japanese
C. Chinese
D. Canadian

  • ( )14. What did people use to make their rooms bright?

A. Light from candles.
B. Light from wood.
C. Light from fireplaces.
D. Light from cars.

  • ( )15. When it was dark, the writer's mother only____.

A. listened to CDs
B. went to bed
C. watched television
D. played games

  • ( )16. How did people go where they wanted to go in the past?

A. By horse.
B. On foot.
C. By car.
D. A or B.

  • ( )17. Why does the writer's mother want to go shopping online?

A. Because it is cheaper than in the shop.
B. Because itis easy for her to do it.
C. Because she likes the new things very much.
D. Because she is an online fan.


18.个人问题:What are the benefits of technology?(QQ、WeChat、Weibo、Ins...)至少50个单词。
小组问题:What are the benefits of technology?(QQ、WeChat、Weibo、Ins...)至少60个单词。

答案 1-5:c d a b a
原因2:Parents all hoped to have the dinner for the poor with their children
原因3:Every day only half of the world can enjoy enough food.
原因4: The activity wanted to make the families understand the difference between the poor and the rich,
原因5:and also to make the parents know that too good material (物质) life won't always do good to children
个人问题观点:I agree with the viewpoint. I think too good mater life may be bad for the children. Too rich life can make children lazier and

rely on parents .this children can not look after themselvs.
小组问题观点:I agree with the viewpoint. I think too good mater life may be bad for the children. Too rich life can make children lazier and

rely on parents .this children can not look after themselvs.

答案 1-5:A B D C B
原因1:Ma Yan's diary tells us about Ma's life.
原因2:Before this, she had left school twice.
原因3:because Mom told her they didn't have any money.
原因4:It would be wonderful if I could stay at school forever.”
原因5:Then I can find poor kids like me and help them,
个人问题观点:I do not agree with the view . I think boys and girls are equal. boys can study , girls also can study . Both boys and girls can work

service community . everybody are helpful.

小组问题观点:I do not agree with the view . I think boys and girls are equal. boys can study , girls also can study . Both boys and girls can work

service community . everybody are helpful.


答案 1-5:C C B D A
原因1:My mother, a Chinese old lady
原因2:In the past, they used light from candles and heated with wood in the fireplace (壁炉)
原因3:They had to go to bed when it was dark
原因4:My mother also says they had to walk where they wanted to go. If they were rich, they owned a horse.
原因5:Doing some sopping online is cheaper than in the shop.
个人问题观点:We can use WeChat to chat with our friends and relatives . We can visit Taobao and buy things on it .Children can study not only in modern school ,but also on the Internet.We can play games on the Internet. We can also listen to music , watch movie to make our life become more and more wonderful.

小组问题观点:We can use WeChat to chat with our friends and relatives . We can visit Taobao and buy things on it .Children can study not only in modern school ,but also on the Internet.We can play games on the Internet. We can also listen to music , watch movie to make our life become more and more wonderful.


答案 1-5:
原因2:Parents all hoped to have the dinner for the poor with their children
原因3:Now many people in the world don’t have enough food or clothes

原因4:the difference between the poor and the rich

原因5:and also to make the parents know that too good material (物质) life won't always do good to children

个人问题观点:i do not agree this opinion, myself is a girls,l know study well very impotent for us , why boys can study giels not? l think girls same for boy so both and can receive edcation,girls manke theysely dream about the future can come ,what is more,since reform and opening up ,have new policy:howwhere any people can study

我觉得第三题错了,因为文章中有这么一句话Every day only half of the world can enjoy enough food.--黄行峰讨论) 2018年9月16日 (日) 21:29 (CST)
答案 1-5:DBDBD
原因1:cause Mom told her they didn't have any money
原因2:the first time because Mom told her they didn't have any money. Then she worked for 21 days and earned 13 yuan. With the money,she went back to school. The second time, her family told her she had to leave school so that her two brothers could stay there.

原因3:the first time because Mom told her they didn't have any money. Then she worked for 21 days and earned 13 yuan. With the money,she went back to school. The second time, her family told her she had to leave school so that her two brothers could stay there.

原因4:They have no knowledge

原因5:Then I can find poor kids like me and help them

个人问题观点:i do not agree this opinion, myself is a girls,l know study well very impotent for us , why boys can study giels not? l think girls same for boy so both and can receive edcation,girls manke theysely dream about the future can come ,what is more,since reform and opening up ,have new policy:howwhere any people can study

我觉得第1题错了因为文章中说了Ma Yan's diary tells us about Ma's life.--黄行峰讨论) 2018年9月16日 (日) 21:36 (CST)
我觉得第4题错了因为文中说了because Mom told her they didn't have any money.--黄行峰讨论) 2018年9月16日 (日) 21:43 (CST)
答案 1-5:DAAC
原因1:a Chinese old lady
原因2:and wood into the house to cook over fire every day
原因3:hey had to go to bed when it was dark and they didn't listen to CDs or watch television. Now people can watch TV computer games until midnight and live in warm buildings.
原因4:They didn't have cars
原因5:Now my mother is an online shopping fan
个人问题观点:since reform and opening up, we lives codition have impove a lot qq and wechat and so on communication measure become not any easier but also faster in the before persent live, popel make letter or telegram, slowest measure and it is dear then make qq、wechat、veibo what is more we can use qq chat with my friend. qq look beautiful ,can chiose myself like stay ,we can shopping on the internet,so i like make this new communication measure.


答案 1-5:
原因2: the rich could have delicious food while the poor could only have bread with porridge.
原因3:Every day only half of the world can enjoy enough food.
原因4:The activity wanted to make the families understand the difference between the poor and the rich,
原因5:and also to make the parents know that too good material (物质) life won't always do good to children.
个人问题观点:I think that material life is too good for children. It's bad because it makes children dependent. Good because it gives children better resources.
小组问题观点:I think that material life is too good for children. It's bad because it makes children dependent. Good because it gives children better resources.

答案 1-5:abdab
原因1:Ma Yan's diary tells us about Ma's life.
原因2:Before this, she had left school twice.
原因3:because Mom told her they didn't have any money.
原因4: What does Ma Yan mean by saying "a better life"To live and work in the city
原因5:Then I can find poor kids like me and help them,
个人问题观点:i don't agree with boys that they can learn and girls can't learn.Don't be more patriarchal.
小组问题观点:i don't agree with boys that they can learn and girls can't learn.Don't be more patriarchal.

答案 1-5:acbda
原因1: The writer's mother is a(n)Americanold woman.
原因2:What did people use to make their rooms brightLight from fireplaces
原因3:When it was dark, the writer's mother only went to bed
原因4:My mother also says they had to walk where they wanted to go. If they were rich, they owned a horse.
原因5:Doing some sopping online is cheaper than in the shop.
个人问题观点::QQ can communicate with others. qq can chat.qq can video.

wechat can communicate with family members in voice and red envelopes.
小组问题观点::QQ can communicate with others. qq can chat.qq can video.

wechat can communicate with family members in voice and red envelopes.

答案 1-5:

答案 1-5:

答案 1-5:

答案 1-5:c d a b a
小组问题答案:I agree with the viewpoint. I think too good mater life may be bad for the children. Too rich life can make children lazier and

rely on parents .this children can not look after themselvs.

答案 1-5:A B D C B
小组问题答案:I do not agree with the view . I think boys and girls are equal. boys can study , girls also can study . Both boys and girls can work

service community . everybody are helpful.

答案 1-5:C C B D A
小组问题答案:We can use WeChat to chat with our friends and relatives . We can visit Taobao and buy things on it .Children can study not only in modern school ,but also on the Internet.We can play games on the Internet. We can also listen to music , watch movie to make our life become more and more wonderful.

姓名:黄行峰 分数:80
姓名:李久键 分数:70
姓名:张亚君 分数:60
姓名:叶珍婷 分数:60