
Joyousreading讨论 | 贡献2018年5月26日 (六) 13:51的版本 第五周阅读训练(2018.04.24~2018.04.29)
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A rich man and a poor singer live in the same building. The rich man lives on the fifth floor and the singer lives on the fourth floor. The singer likes singing. But the rich man doesn't like that; he likes to sleep.One day, the rich man says to the singer, “I have you a bag of money every month if you stop singing.”“OK.” says the singer. So he stops singing and becomes a rich man. But he isn't happy. He wants to sing. At last, the singer says to the rich man, “Here’s your money. I don’t want your money, and I want to sing every day. "He starts to sing again and he is happy.



  • ( )1. The rich man and the poor singer live in_______.

A. the same room B. different floors C. different buildings

  • ( )2. The rich man likes _______.

A. money B. to sleep C. the singer’s songs

  • ( )3. The rich man gives money to the singer; he wants him to______.

A. stop singing B. sing for him C. be a good friend of him

  • ( )4. At last, the singer wants________.

A. much money B. to sleep C. to sing again

  • ( )5._________can make the singer happy.

A. Money B. Singing C. Sleeping


6.Do you think happiness is important for us? Why?要求不少于6句话,50个单词。



What are those little green lights on the grass flying in the yard? Are they monsters? Are they UFOS? No, they aren’t monsters and they aren’t UFOS. They are fireflies(萤火虫). Fireflies are little insects that glow(发光) with a cool green light. If you touch one, it won't burn you. Frogs, bats and birds don't like to eat animals that glow. The glow helps fireflies keep safe. Sometimes we call fireflies glowworms. You can catch fireflies and keep them in a jar, but don’t forget to let them go away.



  • ( )1.The little green lights can fly.
  • ( )2.Fireflies are UFOS.
  • ( )3.If you touch the green light, it will burn you.
  • ( )4.Some fireflies protect themselves by the light.
  • ( )5.Birds don't like to eat glowing animals.

6.What other animals can glow? Please introduce it.要求不少于6句话,50个单词。



Dear Danny,
Welcome to China next week! Now I want to tell you about Chinese meals(膳食).We Chinese people have three meals every day. We have breakfast at about 7: 00.We have eggs, bread, noodles, milk, or other food for breakfast. Lunch is a big meal of a day in China. We always have lunch at about 12. 00. Students have lunch at school on school days. Workers have lunch at their companies(公司). We have rice, vegetables, meat, soup, or other food for lunch. We always have dinner at home at about 6: 0 P. m. We have rice, vegetables, fish and meat. The dinner is usually big too.
In a word I think Chinese food is very delicious. Please remember to have some Chinese food when you come to China. I hope you will like it.

Your friend,



  • ( B )1. Peter wants to tell Danny about________.

A. Chinese clothes B. Chinese meals C. Chinese festivals

  • ( C )2. ________ people have ________meals every day.

A. Western, four B. Chinese, four C. Chinese, three

  • ( A )3. In China both________and________are big meals.

A. lunch, dinner B. breakfast, lunch C. breakfast, dinner

  • ( C )4. Students have________.

A. lunch at school at weekends B. breakfast at school on school days C. lunch at school on school days

  • ( A )5.Who will come to China next week?

A. Danny. B. Peter. C. Peter's sister.


6.Introduce a Chinese cuisine(美食) to your foreign friend.要求不少于6句话,50个单词。
答:Dear Lisa: Welcome to China!I'm glad to see you next week.Today I will tell you a Chinese cuisine--dumplings.It is a famous food in China.Many tourists come from another country all want to eat it food,it is so yummy!In China,Chinese people eat dumplings during Spring Festival or The Winter Solstice.It has different stuffing,such as meat,vegetables,and so on.I hope you can like this food!



Birds live in trees. But do you know that some frogs live in trees too? Look, there are some tree frogs in the tree. Can you find them?We can' t find the frog easily(容易地). Because the frogs can change colours. On the green leaves, it is green. On a brown branch, it changes to brown. Some tree frogs can change from green to golden or blue. The frogs have legs and strong feet. They will stick in the tree and will not fall from trees. They make different noises in spring and summer. One frog can make a noise like a dog and another frog can make a noise like a bird.



  • ( F )1.The frogs are all green.
  • ( T )2.They have strong feet so they will not fall.
  • ( F )3.All the frogs live in the water.
  • ( F )4.All the frogs live in the water.
  • ( T )5.Some frogs can make a noise like a dog.

6.Introduce a country’s national treasure animal.要求不少于6句话,50个单词。
答:Our country's national treasure animal is panda.Panda also is national treasure of China.It is white and black,it is fat and cute.It likes eating bamboos.We can see the panda in the zoo when they are sleeping under the tree.The don't like move,they just lay on the ground and do nothing.How lazy!Panda is very precious and lovely.So me must protect panda!



China is a big country, so the weather in the south is quite different from that in the north. In Shanghai, we have warm and wet spring, hot summer, cool autumn and cold winter. But in some parts of China, such as Hainan, Guangdong and Yunnan, it is always warm and hot there. People never see snow there. In winter, a lot of tourists come to Hainan, and enjoy the sunshine at the beach. Many people like to go to Yunnan, too. Because the weather there is warm and is like spring in all the seasons. But some people like cold weather. In the north of China, children can make snowmen and play with snowballs. It is fun to play outside while it is snowing. That’s why more people come to Harbin in winter to spend their holidays there.



  • ( B )1. In winter it’s very cold in the north, but it’s_______in the south.

A. cold B. warm C. cool

  • ( B )2. Many people go to Hainan to ______in winter. 

A. see the sun B. enjoy the sunshine C. play with snowballs

  • ( C )3. _____is in the north of China.

A. Yunnan B. Guangdong C. Harbin

  • ( C )4. Children can make snowmen when it is______.

A. raining B. wind C. snowing

  • ( A )5.The weather is so different in China because our country is____.

A.  big B. small C. beautiful



6.What’s your favorite weather? Why?要求不少于6句话,50个单词。
答:My favourite season is Summer and Winter.Because I born in Winter,and I also like playing snow,playing snowballs.I like Summer too,because I can swim in the water with my best friends.Although I can't swim well,but I really feel happy.I usually eat ice-cream in Summer,it is so COOL!

1.中心较明确,“I born ”加“was”;“Although”与“but”不可同时使用;“cool”用小写。


Hank lived in a small town, but then he got a job in a city and moved there with his wife and his two children. On the first Saturday in their new home, Hank took his new red car out of the garage(汽车间) and was washing it when a neighbour came by. When he saw Hank’s new car, the neighbour stopped and looked at it for a minute. Then Hank turned and saw him. The neighbour said, “That’s a nice car.Is it yours?” “Sometimes.”Hank answered. The neighbour was surprised. “Sometimes?” he said,“What do you mean?” “Well,” answered Hank slowly, “when there’s a party in the town, it belongs(属于) to my daughter, Jane. When there's a football game somewhere, it belongs to my son, Joe. When I’ve washed it, and it looks really nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas(汽油), it’s mine.”



  • ( F )1.Hank lives in a small town now.
  • ( T )2.Hank got a job in a city and moved there with his family.
  • ( T )3.Jane used the car when she went to parties.
  • ( T )4.Hank had two children.
  • ( F )5.Hank and his family had three cars.


6.Who is your favorite teacher?Why?要求不少于6句话,50个单词。
答:My favourite teacher is Miss Zhang.She is beautiful and kind.She always helps me when I am in trouble.I like her English class very much because I think it is very funny.She also sings very well.She usually tells us the "rap" in the Children's songs.It is very nice.I like Miss Zhang very much.




My dad works from Monday to Friday in a bank. He uses the computer to count money. His job is very important. So he is an important man in the bank. Dad is also busy at home. At weekends he cooks dinner. Usually he cooks Italian food. On Sundays he makes spaghetti(意大利面条). He makes pizza. Sometimes he cooks chicken and makes Chinese food. My mum watches and helps. I help my dad too. I wash the dishes. Many people think it’s strange for a man to cook. My dad enjoys his hobby. Cooking relaxes him. He is a weekend cook.



  • ( A )1. What does the writer’s dad do?

A. He is a cook. B. He is a bank clerk. C. C. He has no job.

  • ( C )2. What does the writer’s dad cook?

A. He cooks Italian food. B. He cooks Chinese food. C. Both A and B.

  • ( B )3. ________ have in groups.

A. On Mondays. B. At weekends. C. On Sundays.

  • ( B )4. What’s the writer’s dad’s hobby?

A. Swimming. B. Cooking. C. Working.

  • ( A )5.Which of the following is Italian food?

A. The pizza. B. The dumpling. C. The hamburger.



6.Prepare a healthy breakfast for yourself要求不少于6句话,50个单词。
答:I will prepare a healIthy breakfast from Monday to Friday.They are some eggs,some bread,a glass of milk and an apple.I like drinking milk very much,because it can help me grow up.Eggs and bread can make me strong so that I will not feel tired.Apple is my favourite fruit.An apple a day keeps the doctor away!



An old tiger lived in the forest. He didn’t want to look for food. He often told other animals to bring him something to eat. He saw a monkey and said. “I am hungry, Monkey. Go to the village and bring me a fat pig.”
 “Oh, Tiger, ” said the monkey. "I can’t do that now. There is another tiger over there. He also wants to get a fat pig. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I’m afraid of him. ” 
 “What? ” said the old tiger. “Show me that tiger. I want to talk to him.”
 “ Come with me,” said the monkey. The monkey and the tiger got to a bridge over the river.
 “Now look down at the river,” said the monkey,
 “Do you see the head, the white teeth and large green eyes of a tiger? ”
  “Yes, I do. ” cried the old tiger, “I will eat him up. ” With these words, the tiger jumped into the water.



  • ( T )1.The old tiger wants a fat pig to eat.
  • ( T )2.The old tiger wants to look for food with the monkey.
  • ( F )3.The tiger is afraid of the monkey.
  • ( F )4.There is another tiger in the river.
  • ( T )5.The monkey is clever.

6.Is there another tiger in the river?Why would the monkey do that? And how does the monkey do? 要求不少于6句话,50个单词。
答:There isn't any tiger in the river.It just a inverted image.Monkey wants to do that because he thinks that the tiger is very very lazy.The monkey doesn't want to help the tiger.So he takes the tiger to a bridge over the river and deceives tiger there is another tiger in the river,I think monkey is clever.

2.“It just a inverted image.”语法不规范。



Both people and insects are animals. But insects don’t have bones in their body. They have a hard shell. Insects are different from other animals because they have six legs. Many insects have wings. Some insects live alone. Others live in big groups. Bees and ants live in groups. They live in big families and they have many different rooms in their nest. Insects live in dry places. In hot places, insects are everywhere you see. A few insects, but not too many live in oceans. In very cold places, like the North Pole (北极), they live in the fur(皮毛) of polar bears and other big and warm animals. Quite a lot of insects live in small rivers and lakes.



  • ( A )1. Insects don't have_______.

A. bones B. wings C. a hard shell

  • ( C )2. Insects have__________ legs.

A. two B. four C. six

  • ( C )3. ________ have in groups.

A. Bees B. Ants C. Both A and B

  • ( A )4. A few Insects live in_______.

A. oceans B. rivers C. lakes

  • ( C )5.In the North Pole,insects live________.

A. everywhere B. in oceans C. in the fur of polar bears


6.According to your observations(观察), which insects have you seen in your daily life? Where do they usually appear(出现)?Please share one examomple from your life about insects. (such as shape,habitat,tc.)要求不少于6句话,50个单词。
答:I always see ants in my daily life.They are everywhere.In the plants,on the floor,in the grass and in the garden.They are small and brown.They like moving everything that they can eat.They like eating fatty food.They are always very busy.They must find food,they must take care about their home.They are a big family.Theay always toghther.Our school's logo is the ants.It tells us"we must work hard like the ants.We are always toghther.TianYi is a big family."



Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time. But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?” Tom asks his mother, “I was in the teachers’ office.” His mother says, “Why did you go to the teachers' office?” “Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody could answer it, but I could.” Tom replied to his mother. His mother says, “It's good to answer the question.” Tom says,“But” the question was “Who puts ink on my chair?”



  • (T )1.Tom lives near his school.
  • (F )2.He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.
  • (F )3.Today Tom was late for school.
  • (T )4.Tom put some ink on the teacher's chair.
  • (T )5.The boy is very naughty

6.Give Tom some suggestion. Please list the good habits / bad habits for school. 要求不少于6句话,50个单词。
答:Tom,you are so naughty!You can't put the ink on your teacher's chair. It's so dirty.You can't be a bad student.You should obey the rules of school.You shouldn't run after class.You shouldn't fight with another students after school.You shouldn't take junk food to the school either.You should be a good student,So that everyone likes you..




Do you know what parrots are? They are birds. They are usually bright, colourful and nice, and of course some can talk. Now, look at these fish. They are also bright, colourful and nice. People call them parrot fish, of course they are different from parrots, they cannot talk. Parrot fish live in warm sea water near the coral(珊瑚). They help to clean the coral. They eat very small plants on the coral. This helps the coral grow. There are about 60 kinds of parrot fish in the world. They can change colours when they grow. Males(雄性) and females(雌性)have different colours.


1.Can parrot fish talk?
答:No,it can't.


2.Where do parrot fish live?
答:They live in warm sea near the coral.

3.What can parrot fish help the coral do?
答:They can clean the coral.They also can help coral grow.

4.How many kinds of parrot fish are there in the world?
答:There are 60 kinds of parrot in the world.

5.Do males and females look the same or different?
答:They are deifferent.

1.No, they can’t.
2.They live in warm sea water near the coral.
3.They can help to clean the coral./They eat small plants on the coral.
4.There are about 60 kinds of parrot fish in the world.
5.Males and females look different.

6.(个人问题) What other fish do you know? Please introduce it.(such as shape,habitat(栖息地),food and species(种类) etc.)

答:Whales live in the ocean.They like eating small fishes and squids.There are two kinds of whaels,Mysticeti and Odontoceti.

2.名词单复数错误;“ whaels”拼写错误,字数不足。


It's Saturday. The sun is shining. Jack and Jane go to the Peoples Park. There are many people in the park. Some are walking and some are singing and dancing. The children are playing ball games. There are some foreigners(外国人), too. They are from Germany(德国). They are talking with the students in English. They are all happy.



  • ( B )1. What day is it today?

A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Friday

  • ( C )2. What's the weather like today?

A. Cloudy B. Rainy C. Sunny

  • ( C )3. What are the children doing?

A. Singing and dancing B. Taking a walk C. Playing ball games

  • ( A )4. Where do the foreigners come from?

A. Germany B. America C. Japan

  • ( A )5.Are there many people in the park?

A. Yes, there are B. No. there aren’t C. Sorry, I don't know


6.(个人问题)What do you often go to the park with? What are you doing in the park?

答:I often go to the park with my parents and friends.We always have a picnic and play games there.My favourite game is :Catch the butterfly! We will catch the buterfly a few minutes and let them go. It's so funny!




It was a fine day. The weather was very hot. There was no rain for a long time. The ground was dry. The plants were dry and brown. There wasn’t any water in the river. The sun was shining. The animals were thirsty. They were under the tree. They were very hot. There were some birds on the branches. The birds were thirsty too. "I must have some water! A crow said to herself. Just then, she saw a jug. Is there any water in the jug?" She flew to the jug. She looked into the jug. There was some water in it. She could see the water inside, but she couldn’t reach it. The jug was very big and the crow was weak. She wanted to knock the jug down. "What can I do? The crow thought. Oh! There are some little stones on the path. I have an idea! "The crow was glad. She could put the little stones into the jug. The animals laughed at her. A zebra and a giraffe came and looked at the crow. The crow got the water at last. She thought, Yes, I’m tired, but I’m not thirsty! The animals thought,“ She isn’t stupid(愚蠢的).She' s very clever.” This story says: Hard work brings good things.



  • ( T )1. The weather was fine and hot.
  • ( F )2. The animals were very hungry and hot.
  • ( F )3. The crow could reach the water into the jug at first.
  • ( F )4. There are no stones on the path.
  • ( F )5. The crow is stupid.

6.(个人问题) According to your own experience, talk about how you can get good results through "Hard work brings good things".
答:If you study hard, you will get a good mark.If you are lazy,you just want to play computer games or watch TV,you will get a bad mark.You will be very unhappy.



Jill is a doctor. She loves music. She plays the banjo (班卓琴). She plucks(拨)the strings to play the songs she likes best. Pluck, pluck, pluck. She can play all day long. She wants to play on the stage(舞台).The lights shine on her as she plays her banjo. All her friends come to see. It is her favourite dream. Her younger brother, Danny, is a police officer. He likes music too. He plays the drums with his sticks. He makes rat-a-tat sounds. He and Jill play different musical instruments(乐器). But they sound great. Maybe they will start a band(乐队)one day. They will be popular.


1.Does Jill play the banjo?
答:Yes,she does.

2.What does Jill want to do?
答:She wants to play on the stage.

3.What does Danny do?
答:He is a police officer.

4.Which musical instrument does Danny play?
答:Danny plays drum.

5.Are their musical instruments the same or different?
答:Their musical instruments are different

1.Yes,she does.
2.She wants to play banjo on the stage.
3.He is a police officer.
4.He plays the drum.
5.Their musical instruments are different.

6.(个人问题)Do you like art, such as music, art, dance, etc.? Share an interesting thing with your art course.
答:I like playing the piano very much.I want to be a pianist.So that I can play the piano in the theatre.My mum,my dad,they will proud of me.My friends will come to the theatre too! They will say:"WOW!You are so great!" I will be very excited.This is my dream,I don't know this dream can be come true or not.But I believe it,I will do my best!
