
鲍奎舟讨论 | 贡献2018年1月5日 (五) 20:56的版本
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鲍奎舟 No.1 1.( T )1. Christmas is very important in Western countries.

  because:The most important festival in Western countries is Christmas.

2.( F )2. People get together at Christmas Eve in China.

  because:In China, the most important festival is the Spring Festival. 

3.( T )3. Chinese people like to wear new clothes during the Spring Festival.

  because:people always wear new clothes. 

4.( F )4. Children can get presents in red envelopes.

  because:Children can get money in red envelopes.

5.( T )5. Everyone in China is happy during the Spring Festival.

 because:They’re all happy during the Spring Festival.

No.2 ( C )1. Where do people in the Stone Age live? because:People in the Stone Age live in caves. ( B )2. What do they eat? because:At first people eat raw meat and fruit. ( A )3. Does raw meat taste nice? becasue:The meat doesn’t taste nice. ( C )4. Why don’t they cook meat with fire? becasue:but people don’t know how to cook it.


第一篇 1.T 因为文中提到And people always wear new clothes. 了the most important festival in Western countries is Christmas. 2.F.因为中国最重要的节日是春节. 3.T,因为文中提到 And people always wear new clothes. 4.F,因为红包里装的是钱. 5.T,因为文中提到 They’re all happy during the Spring Festival.


1.C,因为文中提到People in the Stone Age live in caves。 2.B,因为古代人吃生肉和水果。 3.A,因为生肉不好吃。 4.B,最早的时候人们不会生火。 5.C,古代人用叶子生火。