10 Quick Tips About Moving Trucks

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You'll be amazed at how much further your pensions or savings can go and how much higher the quality of your life is, in Mexico. ™

Yes, retire in Mexico is a bargain; a warm, inviting paradise for a steal.

But the question is how?

In all practicality, the best is to learn to adopt to a Mexican way of life.

That said, how much will it cost you to live in Mexico?

Well, first calculate how much you spend now, in your comfortable circumstances at home.

Then, using the "ballpark" figures I give you as a guideline below on the cost of living in Mexico's popular retirement communities, you can compute how much money you need to live in Mexico.

1. Housing

It would be 50% off whatever you're paying now. If you rent a small house or apartment for say $900 a month in the US, you can get an equivalent or even better one for $400 or thereabout, in Mexico.

In areas that don't have many tourists/foreign residents, it could be 75% off whatever you're paying in the US.

2.Food & Alcohol

Eating out is seen a good social ethic and an important form of entertainment in Mexico. Even with much eating-outs, you still get to save around 25% on your food bill because the food here is so cheap. Plus you'll love the freshness in the food.

If you home-cook your meals, that's gonna even more economical as you could shave off 50% from your current food bill.

Generally, liquor is also cheaper in Mexico, but it also goes down easier. The thing is if you go for heavy drinking, it's gonna be a major expense for you, cheap aside. So watch out on this.

3. Heating

You won't spend much on it as the climate is warm.

4. Utilities

Your utility bill, on average, would be around $30 per month or $50 if you've air-conditioning. Cooking gas and hot water cost another $10 to $30 per month. Water may be free or just a few dollars per month.

5. Telephone & Internet

Basic service is quite cheap, but long distance international calls charges can be expensive. Switch to using email and fax if you need to make many calls.

For Internet service, on average, you pay about $20 to $30 per month.

6. Hired help

Feel you want to splurge a bit?

For $2 or $3 an hour, you can hire a domestic help to do all the boring, mundane housework for you. And you can devote your time to do something that's more interesting.

When you do all the math and number crunching, remember to impute inflation into long distance moving company your calculation as Mexico's inflation is quite high, could be something like 15% or more per year. So, you need to take into account what's your monetary worth 1, 2 or 5 years down the road.

OK. You're done with the number crunching. Your next task is to visit Mexico. Your purpose? To talk to the retirees there and get as much information and feedback from them as you possibly can. Then, go back to your numbers and re-work them, if need be. You can get quite close to the amount of money you need to spend per month.

No matter where you are moving to, it is always a large task involving tons of packing up stuff on one end, unpacking it on the other, planning, and traveling in-between. To deal with all the issues involved, it is helpful to have competent movers that will give you great service as they help you get situated. However, when it comes to relocating, there are often major differences between local moving companies and long distance moving companies.

When you are moving locally, you can usually get away with a company that is not as thoroughly vetted as you are only moving your stuff across town. But when you are moving your prized belongings out of town or out of state, you need to be absolutely sure you are dealing with professionals that will treat your stuff like it was their own.

How to Find Quality Long Distance Movers

When searching for the best moving company to handle your long distance move, there are a number of things to look at. Here are some of the factors to consider when choosing the right long distance movers:

1. What services do they provide?

Moving companies tend to vary widely on the types of services they offer to customers in need of a long distance move. Those moving out of town often have far more stress from all the other things to worry about; such as getting situated in an unfamiliar city, settling in at a new job, traveling to the new city with the family, and many others. For this reason, it is best to choose a mover that can provide literally end to end service if needed. This means they can show up at your door, carefully pack everything into the right size boxes using the best wrap for each item, load it all into their truck, unload everything at your new home, unpack all your items, and place them exactly where you want them. And oh, by the way, if you need to store your stuff somewhere for a month or two, they should be able to accommodate this need as well. A moving company that can accomplish all these tasks will be on your short list.

2. Can they do a long distance move on short notice?

This will not apply to everyone, but many people have long distance moves that come up at the last minute. For example, some people have family emergencies such as the need to care for aging parents with deteriorating health and have a sudden need to be in another city. Others work for large companies with multiple offices. These companies often shuffle people around to different offices like they were shuffling cards. So when a last minute move comes up, you need to make sure the company you choose has the capability to execute the move smoothly and efficiently even if you are working on a short time frame.

3. Do they offer competitive pricing?

Pricing most often an issue for people - unless someone else like your company is paying the bill J But for most people, you will need to watch the bottom line. When you compare quotes from different movers, pay close attention to what services they are including with the price they are giving you. Some companies have hidden costs that are not readily apparent, so always ask what their overall cost will be for the services you need.

4. What are other customers saying about them?

Once you have a moving company that has met all your other criteria, it is important to do a little more due diligence and check out online reviews. These days, it is usually pretty easy to find 5 or 10 (or more) reviews on a reputable company. Read the reviews carefully, especially those that go into some detail. If you have multiple positive reviews and a strong overall rating (hopefully 4.5 or above), you are likely to have a winner.