Sex Toys and Vibrators2205280

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Using vibrators in the bedroom could make some men feel threatened, but it needn't (She's having sex with you not the vibrator). Instead what guys have to focus on would be the things that the vibrator can't do. Some enjoy teasing her, talking dirty to her and becoming her switched on. There is no device on earth that can do this as effectively when you.

Sex Toy Techniques

There are a number of sexy tips which will make sasha grey pussy hotter in the bedroom:

  • Most vibrators have multiple speeds nowadays, so you can have a good time mixing between these speeds during foreplay. Switch it on the slowest setting for many sensuous play, then boost the speed as she nears orgasm to provide her time of her life. The key is to maintain her guessing and playing the overall game.
  • For couples looking to experiment more, put multiple layers of material over the head with the vibrator, as the sex gets hotter and hotter, slowly strip these layers off. I leave the ultimate layer on (It can be too intense otherwise) and increase the speed instead to give her a massive orgasm.
  • As the vibrations spread through your body while having sex, you can give her a sexy thrill by putting the vibrator to different parts of your system during sex and foreplay. Each place which you put it on gives her another feeling, so enjoying playing with it. Put it against your jaw during oral sex to deliver sensual vibrations using your tongue or stick it against your hand as you stroke her clitoris to get a unique experience.
  • Teach her about all of the erogenous zones that she never knew she'd using the vibrator. There are numerous erogenous zones that light whenever you touch the vibrator in their mind. Help her find the pleasure from the perineum, clitoris and labia by mixing the stimulation in between each of them.
  • Talk dirty to her throughout. Let her know about how hot she actually is and that you need to see her orgasm, all the while driving her crazy using the sex toy.

Sexy Fun with Sex Toys and Vibrators

Once you have the hang of using these device and toys a world of new sexual experiences awaits the two of you. Soon you may realize that the vibrator itself is only a device and the key to having great sex by using it is the method that you use it.